2019年世界社会工作日是3月19日。 今年的主题聚焦于人们彼此之间的基本关系,他们的环境和未来之间的社会关系。 IFSW 秘书长 Rory Truell 博士说:
政治家玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)在历史上有一个著名的时刻,当时宣布:”没有社会,男人和男人都有这样的东西“,当时的全球保守主义时期和国家服务的解体也开始了。撒切尔的观点继续具有毁灭性的影响,因为它仍然在世界和国家政治的许多方面占主导地位。
这个 2019 世界社会工作日主题直接解决了这种虚假和残忍的保守教条。从社会工作经验来看,所有人都通过决定生活质量和安全的社会关系联系在一起。在世界范围内,社会工作专业将统一宣传建立政策和实践的重要性,这些政策和实践承认,培养和丰富我们相互依存的关系 — 和平,实现所有人的平等权利和可持续发展的世界。
欢迎所有社会工作伙伴和成员通过在 IFSW 徽标旁边添加徽标来共同标记 WSWD 海报。
World Social Work Day 2019
The 2019 world social work day highlights‘Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships’.
World Social Work Day is on the 19th March 2019. It is the key day in the year that social workers worldwide stand together to celebrate the achievements of the profession and take the theme message into their communities, workplaces and to their governments to raise awareness of the social work contributions and need for further action.
This year’s theme focusses on the social relationships between people’s essential relationships with each other, their environments and their futures. Dr Rory Truell, IFSW Secretary-General said:
‘There was a famous moment in recent history when politician Margaret Thatcher ushered-in the current global period of conservatism and the dismantling of state services when announcing: “there’s no such thing as society, there are individual men and women”. Thatcher’s view continues to have devastating effects as it remains dominant over many aspects of world and national politics. This 2019 World Social Work Day theme directly addresses this false and brutality conservative dogma. From the social work experience all people are bound together by social relationships that determine the quality and security of life. Worldwide the social work profession will unify in promoting the importance of building policies and practices that recognize, cultivate and enrich our interdependent relationships – for peace, the realization of all people’s equal rights and a sustainable world.’
All social work partners and members are welcome to co-brand the WSWD poster by adding their logo alongside the IFSW logo.
We also invite member organisations to translate the poster into their own languages. Last years poster was translated into 48 languages highlighting global professional unity and common action.
We hope that most organisations will be able to edit the poster for translation themselves, but if this is not possible, please copy the text below in bold, write your translation underneath, and email it to: lola.casal@ifsw.org
Thank you to all – it is a significant professional step forward that globally social workers promote the importance of human relationships! IFSW will post your translated poster on our website so that it can be shared across the world. (Please note that the IFSW relevant member organisation must approve the translation which may take a few days).
国际社会工作者联合会为其 116 个国家成员提供了一个全球性的发言权。联合国经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)和联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)已授予联合会的特别咨商地位。此外,妇发基金正与世界卫生组织(卫生组织),联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民专员办事处),联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)合作。
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编辑:李福滨 socialworkweekly.cn