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As an integrated and open philanthropy platform for children, 9958 is also committed to providing opportunities to promote the integration and exchange of charity ideas, especially on the learning and practice of international philanthropy operational mode. In addition to the various charity events on International Children’s Day, 9958 holds the charity salon to invite four excellent international experts to share the social service system of NGOs in the United States, and to share their experience and operational mode in the field of intervention for traumatized children. 

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Joanne Feldmeth (乔安妮 菲尔德麦斯)、 Tony YW Choi  (托尼 蔡)、 Rob Mitchell(罗伯 米切尔)、张雯

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1、Joanne Feldmeth (乔安妮 菲尔德麦斯)

乔安妮- RFK国际项目部总监,与很多国家的机构组织合作,将夏令营与辅导俱乐部模式设计调整应用于当地社区中。在加入RFK之前,乔安妮曾在儿童SHARE项目(现名称为寄养希望计划)工作14年,担任执行总监一职,儿童SHARE是一个以社区为基础的寄养家庭支持项目。 

Joanne Feldmeth serves as the Director of International Programs for Royal Family Kids (RFK).  She works with independent groups in multiple countries adapting the camp and mentoring club model within local communities.  Prior to coming to RFK, she served for fourteen years as the executive director of Child SHARE (now FosterHope), a community-based support program for foster families. 


She holds a master’s degree in global leadership with a concentration on at-risk children from Fuller School of Intercultural Studies.


夏令营 – 以社区为基础的受虐儿童救助项目

“CAMP—A Community Based Intervention for Abused Children”


This session outlines the theory, experiences and outcomes for using a 5 day residential camp as a therapeutic intervention for abused children from foster care, orphanages and kinship (relative/family) care.  


The primary clinical focus is on a 1 week immersion experience that surrounds the child with supportive adults and rebuilds trust for traumatized children (ages 6-12).  The camps are run by local lay people (non-professionals with 12-40 hours of training) from the same community as the children.  


This 30-year-old model has been independently launched by community volunteers in nine countries (Argentina, Australia, Chile, Ghana, Namibia, Poland, South Africa, USA, Wales).  These groups successfully adapted the camp model to their own cultures and social service systems.

夏令营 – 创建以社区为基础的受虐儿童救助项目的基础构件

“CAMP – Practical Building Blocks for Creating A Community Based Program for Abused Children”


This session unpacks the ‘nuts and bolts’ of planning a therapeutic intervention camp, selecting children with abuse or abandonment histories and training community volunteers.  It also covers what happens at the 5 day residential camp itself, rules for child protection in the camp environment and how the trust based approach affects every activity.  An option for following camp with a 9-month mentoring club for the child campers will be outlined.  


The workshop will explain the essential elements to camp intervention as well as aspects which need to be developed independently based on the local culture and social service system to be effective in a specific location.

2. Tony YW Choi  托尼 蔡


Tony currently work at Royal Family KIDS as Vice President of Finance.


Tony was born in Hong Kong but studied, worked and lived in the US since 1976. He received his bachelor’s degree from Vanguard University and an MBA from Chapman University. He is currently certified by the State of California as Certified Public Account and is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the California Society of CPAs. Tony had been involved with Royal Family KIDS Camp Newport Mesa as volunteer in various positions for over 20 years, including Director for seven years. Tony is married to Kim for 33 years and has a son Tyler (married to Priscilla) and a daughter Tiffani (married to CJ). The entire Choi family serves at Royal Family KIDS at Newport-Mesa Church in different functions.

3.  Rob Mitchell 罗伯 米切尔

Rob Mitchell是一家大型全国性经纪公司的投资高级副总裁,他是超过3亿美元个人和公司资产的财务顾问。2009年5月,他被业内领先杂志评为全国“十大理财顾问”之一!

Our featured speaker is a Senior Vice President of Investments for a major national brokerage firm, where he is the financial advisor to more than $300 million in individual and corporate assets. In May of 2009, he was recognized by the leading magazine of his industry as being one of the “Top Ten Financial Advisors” in the entire country!


In June of 2007, a major global publisher released his book titled Castaway Kid which sold out its first print run―nationally and internationally―in just 10 days.


Rob has earned rave reviews from appearances on over 200 TV and radio programs and is also often quoted in print media for his rare ability to take us into a world few can comprehend.


In addition to his demanding “day job”, he speaks all over his nation, Europe and South America for the cause of the orphan, the foster care kid, the abandoned kid, the at-risk  kid, and the Castaway kid- most of the time at his own expense.  He is here with you at his own expense: airfare, hotels, etc. at his own expense hoping he can somehow be of assistance.


北京人,1989年毕业于中国人民大学新闻系,1997年获美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学的社工硕士。同时拥有中国中级社工师资质。1992年起担任美国国际儿童希望组织副总裁,并于2000年在中国创立儿童希望救助基金会。近年来致力于儿童救助实务实践和儿童保护制度的倡导。 自2008年以来积极撰写人大议呼吁全国儿童大病医疗保险的早日健全和剥夺虐待家长监护权的儿童保护法规。从2001年至2013年间,儿童希望建立救助困境儿童的4大项目,助医及小家项目、助养助学项目、儿童希望之家、受虐儿童救助项目直接救助儿童超过10000人。和来自美国的先生凯文育有二女,并于2002年后领养了3名大龄中国孤儿,理想是通过一线救助和执行,将西方成熟的慈善理念和作法运用在现代中国的慈善事业。


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